Consultancy Services
Year: 2021-2023

Traffic Management for Connected Automated Driving (TM4CAD) is a research project focused on the role of infrastructure in supporting autonomous vehicles. The project explores various levels of Infrastructure Support for Automated Driving (ISAD) and how they can contribute to creating an Operational Design Domain (ODD) for Connected Automated Driving (CAD) systems.

In simpler terms, the project investigates how we can utilize infrastructure to provide self-driving cars (CAD systems) with a better understanding of their surroundings (ODD). This is achieved by exploring different methods of sharing environmental information (ODD attributes) between various systems.

The goal is to enable self-driving vehicles to comprehend in real-time where they are permitted to drive and what actions they can take, thus ensuring safe and efficient operation.

Project objectives TM4CAD

TM4CAD aims to bridge the gap between autonomous vehicles and road infrastructure through the following objectives:

  • chevronsStudy how self-driving cars can safely operate in different road conditions and environments
  • chevronsBring together car manufacturers and road authorities to work better together, since both have different needs and viewpoints
  • chevronsHelp roads "communicate" better with self-driving cars - like making sure cars understand road signs, traffic signals, and road conditions
  • chevronsFigure out the best ways for road authorities to share real-time information with self-driving cars, considering what's technically possible
  • chevronsCreate guidelines for how roads can be better designed and managed to support self-driving cars
  • chevronsDevelop ways for traffic management systems (like traffic lights and digital road signs) to work smoothly with self-driving cars to improve traffic flow

This project is funded by CEDR Call 2020 Impact of CAD on Safe Smart Roads.

Photo by kimi lee on Unsplash

Project partners

MAP traffic management
University of Warwick
Keio University Japan